Minimalist Home Decor Ideas

The minimalist mantra is less is more, or fewer is better. Minimalist decor entails taking out the unnecessary items and sticking to the essentials. You can create a minimalist space that feels warm, inviting, and distinctly you. From carefully curated bookshelves to textured accessories and emphasising architectural features, plenty of ways exist to create a calm, minimalist space. Are you ready to make a minimalist space? Read on for five amazing minimalist decorating ideas.

Clear Your Walls

With minimalistic spaces, there’s no need to fill every inch of wall space, so put down the hammer and nail. The thought of bare walls may feel boring; however, with the right finishing around other areas, you will appreciate this tip because embracing white space can feel elegant and upscale. Design-wise, minimalism allows for a little breathing room, so pass up on wanting a gallery wall and let a few standout pieces take centre stage instead.

Select Your Items

As you create a minimalist space, seriously consider each of your possessions. Do you genuinely love it? Is it functional? Take out the unnecessary ones and keep just your favourites. That will create a more meaningful minimalist design. Deciding which items to keep and which ones to take out can be overwhelming, so take it one room – or even one shelf or drawer – at a time.

Let The Light In

Minimalist spaces have a reputation for feeling too cold, which is wrong. But, wrong or not, there’s an easy way to combat that reputation: by using ample natural light. If you have many windows, allow as much sunshine as possible to stream in. Invest in gauzy curtains that allow for privacy while letting light filter in.

Stick to One Colour

Choose a theme with one colour and flow with it throughout the space. Think light, soothing colours like white, grey, or pastels. From the paint on your wall to upholstered furniture to linens, opting for different tones of the same colour will give you a layered yet calm look.

Revisit Your Bookcases

Since bookcases can easily get overloaded, they are one of the first places to begin with when creating a minimalist space. Start by removing and donating the books you are sure you will not read again and allow for tidy organisation of upright bookends and horizontal placement. You can lighten up the look with vases and decorative objects, but only meaningful ones. Take a step back to see where you want to place the decorative item on the shelves; this will ensure you put the right decor in the right place.

Ijeoma Ezeanyika
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About Author / Ijeoma Ezeanyika

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