The Science Behind How Beauty Routines Can Improve Mental Health

Over the years, beauty has always been a part of human culture. Taking care of oneself goes beyond improving your physical appearance, it can also help in improving your mental health and overall well-being. Scientific studies have been able to show a relationship between beauty routine and mental health and how they work together to make us balance in all aspects.

It doesn’t matter whether you already have a beauty routine or you are yet to establish one, in this article, we will explore the connection between beauty routine and mental health and how including self-care practice into our daily routine can help in having a positive impact on our mental and emotional state.

Below are some ways beauty routines can help improve mental health.


Beauty routines like applying makeup, using skincare products, or even styling your hair go a long way in boosting your self-esteem. We all can agree that when we feel good about our appearance, we tend to engage in more social activities and, most importantly, pursue our goals.

Engaging in beauty routines, including applying makeup, using skincare products, or even styling your hair, can help boost your self-esteem.


Engaging in a beauty routine can go a long way in reducing stress levels. Hair care rituals, like shampooing, conditioning, and styling, can have a relaxing effect on the mind and body.

The same benefits go for engaging in a beauty routine.


Engaging in beauty routines can help in enhancing social connection and improve mental health. Women who engage in beauty routines have a higher level of social support.


Engaging in beauty routines helps a lot in providing a sense of control over your appearance and how you present yourself to the world.

This can be more helpful during times of stress or uncertainty when other aspects of life may feel out of control.


Beauty routines play an important role in improving our mental health. Nevertheless, you must not rely on beauty routines alone to improve your mental health.

Individuals need to seek professional help when struggling with mental health issues.

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Dorcas Akintoye is a versatile writer with a passion for beauty, fashion, relationships, and culinary delight. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, she adds a touch of elegance to every topic she explores. She is a writer at THEWILL DOWNTOWN.

About Author / Dorcas Akintoye

Dorcas Akintoye is a versatile writer with a passion for beauty, fashion, relationships, and culinary delight. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, she adds a touch of elegance to every topic she explores. She is a writer at THEWILL DOWNTOWN.

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