My fellow Nigerians, who have we offended? This heat has kept my temper on a simmer and addled my brain. Despite this March Madness, I hope you are all taking the time to honour the mothers in your life, those here on earth and those celebrating up in heaven. Being a mother is one of the greatest joys of my life, even though I am currently dealing with a moody teenager. Happy Mother’s Day. This is Oddbod and the City, my Lagos adventure.

 Harry, Meghan, and Oprah

Just to clarify, I have not yet had the opportunity to watch the full interview, but you would have to live in Narnia to have missed the tsunami of information. After it aired, the quotes and clips from the interview proper have been a revelation.

Harry, Meghan, and Oprah

Harry, Meghan, and Oprah

For the record, I would like to put my mood thus far as ‘disappointed but not surprised’. I experienced the special brand of British racism first hand—different from that inyour- face, pitchfork-waving, whitesheet- wearing, redneck-given-theright- to-bear-arms version you get in America.

The British have a special kind of superiority complex imprinted in their DNA. The same DNA that caused the occupants of that tiny little island to go out and conquer the rest of the planet and then impose their ways and beliefs on the rest of us. The status quo now is all politeness and forbearance… to a point. Woe betide you if you think you have any RIGHT to be treated as an equal.

With all that is being said, what I can’t STAND, what has literally got me grinding my teeth and triggering headaches, are the conversations being had. The behaviour and notions being excused.

Meghan revealed her mental health took her to a dark place and she was offered no support, and my heart bleeds for her.

The ‘Firm’ has indicated that a response is in the works… personally, I think there is nothing to say. The curtain has been drawn back; the dark underbelly has been revealed. The silver lining though is I know Diana is looking down with pride at her son. Prince Harry has stepped up in fairy tale proportions to support himself, his wife, and his son and be the husband his mother deserved.

It’s a beautiful thing to watch.


Where to start with this review? First of all, I was having a catch-up dinner with two of my dearest friends whom I had not seen in months. Second of all, securing a table was an act of military cunning and diplomatic precision (we put our top general on the case) because this restaurant is fully booked for the next couple of months. Yes, you read that right. They are currently in the soft opening stage and only open for dinner so book your table NOW.

Last and certainly not least, OH MY GAH! Gorgeous space! the last time I got this vibe I was stepping into a space at the W in Miami.

The food? I suggest you try a bit of everything. The story goes that the proprietors, a lovely couple whom you may know from their successful previous venture RSVP, travelled the globe tasting and trying all kinds of foods before coming back to present it to you in Victoria Island.

I apologise, I was so in the moment I did not take notes. I am still dreaming of the shrimp taco, a guacamole and lobster concoction, and there was a heavenly lamb situation also. The lychee martini and negroni were both perfection. There was a live band softly adding a sort of cool, jazzy, laid back funk vibe to the evening. I am glad I got dressed up and adulted for the occasion, there was lipstick…although as usual I could not, would not wear heels!


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Odunayo Ogunbiyi is an ex pharmacist with a passion for food and pampering. Writing about her exploits wherever in the world she may find herself is just her way of staying sane in this zany world.