Dupe Olusola on Her Golden Age

Every stage of life’s journey should be celebrated because it is full of significant events. No matter how tiny the advancement may seem, it’s crucial to celebrate them as we age. Every day presents a fresh chance to pursue our goals, and our lives should be filled with passion and purpose. Nevertheless, approaching 50 frequently causes emotions of anxiety and uncertainty. Many worry about what lies ahead or question whether they have achieved enough. However, having reached this milestone calls for a grateful attitude. Turning 50 is the start of a brand-new, exciting chapter full of wisdom and limitless opportunities and not the end of one.


Dupe Olusola, The CEO and managing director of Transcorp Hotels Plc, has demonstrated that there are no limits to the passion and purpose of a life well lived. Breaking down barriers and leaving a lasting impression on the hotel sector at 50, Dupe has forged an incredible journey over the years.

Dupe Olusola

She became the organisation’s second female leader when she became Transcorp Hotels’s CEO in 2020. Throughout her career, Dupe has demonstrated time and again that women can succeed in any field, having held important positions in the banking and agricultural sectors, particularly during her tenure as the CEO of Teragro Commodities Limited. Her leadership continues to inspire even at the age of 50, demonstrating that social norms do not limit women and they can succeed, lead, and leave a lasting impact.


In this interview with THEWILL DOWNTOWN‘s Executive Editor, Onah Nwachukwu, Dupe Olusola reflects on her life’s journey and shares insights from her marriage, personal life, and career. As she marks her fiftieth birthday, she talks candidly about the experiences that have moulded her, the value of enthusiasm in whatever she does, and her advice for the next generation.

Dupe Olusola

 As you celebrate your 50th birthday, how do you reflect on your journey over the past five decades?

With gratitude. I look back on the last five decades of my life with utmost gratitude to God for His grace and ability to live a full life, a life of impact not just to myself or my family, but to those around me. Since childhood, I have been surrounded by love.


My journey has been one of growth, resilience, and purpose. Each phase has taught me something valuable, from my early years of learning and discovery to stepping into leadership roles that challenged me to be bold and visionary. I’ve been fortunate to work with incredible people and contribute to meaningful change, especially in areas I’m passionate about—like education, mentorship, and empowerment.


It’s humbling to see how far I’ve come, but I also recognise that there’s so much more to do. Turning 50 is a milestone, but it’s also a reminder to keep pushing, keep giving, and keep striving for impact.

What are some of the most valuable life lessons you’ve learned personally and professionally over the years?

I’ve learned the power of resilience and adaptability. Life doesn’t always go as planned, and embracing change in personal and professional contexts is crucial. I often talk about my experiences because experience is the best teacher. During my mentorship lunch in Lagos earlier this month with the second cohort of my mentees, I shared my personal experience leading an agribusiness situated in Benue state. It was way out of my comfort zone and by far one of the greatest challenges. I flew down every other week and drove on the road for hours just to get to the factory. But I said yes, to the learning opportunity, to growth, to stretching myself. I said yes to the chance given to me to succeed. Similarly, the same lessons were learnt from leading the hospitality business during the COVID-19 pandemic.  One thing that has never failed me over the years is my relationships. Being intentional about relationships and nurturing those connections is key, as success is often a collaborative effort. You cannot do it all alone. Also, leading with empathy and integrity has always guided my decisions.


How has turning 50 shifted your perspective on life, career, and personal fulfilment?

Turning 50 has been a reflective journey. I find myself more focused on legacy—what I’m leaving behind for my family, my community, and for women coming after me. There’s a deeper emphasis on personal fulfilment beyond just professional success. It’s about meaning, impact, and joy in all aspects of life. 50 comes with the launch of the Next Generation Foundation, a philanthropic fund set up to contribute to the eradication of child neglect in Nigeria. I am currently working on our flagship project, “50 by 50”. 50 children from low-income families will be provided with multi-year scholarships, access to upskilling opportunities, internship and summer placements, and professional and personal mentors. We are partnering with experienced, education-focused social impact organisations to reach the children and families that need the most support. Our aim is to contribute to the reduction of the out-of-school-children population and radically transform the quality of life of underserved and vulnerable children, using education as the primary instrument. The process of visiting schools and kids in underserved communities and hearing them talk about futures that otherwise they would not have dreamt of or imagined was possible has been humbling. The hope that this project brings hope that someday these kids will confidently aspire to be change-makers, writers, engineers, pilots, lawyers, artists, doctors and more truly gladdens my heart.


What advice would you give to your younger self, knowing what you know now?

I would tell my younger self to continue living life, be more patient, and to trust the timing of her journey. Everything happens in its season, and there’s no need to rush or compare your path to others. Focus on your strengths, and don’t be afraid to take risks. Say yes to opportunities like I always did even if you feel unprepared—you’ll learn along the way.

How do you define success at this stage in your life, and has that definition changed over time?

Success, to me now, is about balance and fulfilment. It’s about the lives I’ve touched, the relationships I’ve built, and the positive changes I’ve inspired, especially in empowering women. Earlier in my career, it was more about titles and milestones. The truth is the definition of success evolves with every phase of your life. Your needs change as you achieve various milestones. Now, success to me is about creating a lasting impact, leading with purpose, and becoming the best version of myself for my family, my team, and my community.


Can you share how your marriage to a life coach has influenced your growth, both as an individual and as a leader?

(Laughs) I’m sure people believe I am constantly on a life course, and the truth is, being married to a life coach has been transformative. Every day is a learning experience for both of us, and I am so blessed to be married to my number one supporter, my biggest fan, my best friend, and my very own coach.  It has deepened my emotional intelligence, sharpened my communication skills, and helped me reflect on my personal growth. His insights, love and support challenge me to approach life with more empathy and understanding while also encouraging continuous self-improvement. I am encouraged to lead a full life confidently, exploring every aspect of who I am to achieve my dreams.


What has marriage taught you about partnership, communication, and building a strong relationship?

Partnership is a two-way street, and marriage is a lifetime partnership. Marriage has taught me the importance of open communication, mutual respect, and support. It’s about being there for each other through highs and lows and understanding that a successful partnership requires work and intentionality. We’ve grown together by supporting each other’s goals and dreams.


What advice do you have for younger couples looking to build lasting and meaningful marriages?

Patience, communication, and trust are critical. Be intentional about creating time for each other, no matter how busy life gets. Prioritise your partner, and never stop growing together; never stop loving each other. Most importantly, don’t shy away from seeking help when you need it—whether that’s through counselling or simply honest conversations. Build a friendship because, at the end of the day, you should be a genuine friend to your partner. Be kind to your partner, I cannot overemphasise the importance of kindness. It makes a whole lot of difference.


In your experience, what are the most important ingredients for a successful marriage?

Mutual respect, understanding, and communication. Both partners need to prioritise the relationship and work as a team. It’s also important to celebrate each other’s successes and be a source of encouragement not just to each other but for your children. It is crucial that they experience a good example of partnership as it helps to form their ideas and outlook on life as well.  A strong marriage thrives on love but also on intentionality and commitment.

As a mother and wife, how do you manage to balance family life with the demands of a high-profile career?

Balance doesn’t really exist; it’s more of work-life integration because, at different points in time, you must prioritise one over the other. My kids required more of my time when they were younger; now, grown and studying, I can spend more time on my work.  Both can be challenging, but I’ve learned to set boundaries, prioritise, and ask for support when I need it, be it from my husband, siblings, friends, colleagues, or my team. I make time for my family, and I’ve built a strong support system. Delegation is also an effective way to manage my time. I have an amazing team and Board who are resilient and ready to drive our business to success.


How do you prioritise self-care and mental well-being, especially while managing your many responsibilities?

(Laughs out loudly), I love my personal time; I truly love the time I spend relaxing and rejuvenating.  I’ve learned to be intentional about self-care. This includes setting aside time to rest, reflect, and recharge. Whether it’s through exercise, spending time with loved ones, or just enjoying moments of solitude, I make sure to check in with myself regularly. Mental well-being is extremely important to me.


What has been the most rewarding aspect of reaching this milestone age?

There are many rewarding aspects of turning 50, my golden jubilee. Firstly, I’m thankful to God for His grace to have come this far. One of the most rewarding parts for me has been the wisdom and clarity that comes with age. I have a deeper understanding of who I am and what I want to achieve. It’s empowering to reflect on my journey and realise how far I’ve come while still being excited about what’s ahead and to be able to pay it forward. Looking back on the last five decades of my life knowing that there’s nothing I would’ve done differently or wish I had done because I said yes to opportunities, said yes to living fully and unapologetically. That, indeed, is so rewarding.

What is one thing you’ve learned about yourself in the past 50 years that has surprised you?

I’ve learned how resilient I am. I never imagined that I could overcome some of the challenges life threw at me. I’ve surprised myself by my ability to adapt, pivot, and continue growing despite obstacles. I have an amazing network; when my team says this, I am always surprised. However, I have come to know that I nurture relationships and network easily. I make new friends everywhere I go, and these relationships are so important as you get through life. We must also remember that it is not only about the value your network can give you but also the value you have to give to your network that helps to sustain these relationships.


What advice do you have for the younger generation, especially young women, as they navigate life and career?

Say yes! Be bold, take up space, and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. It’s important to build strong networks, support other women, and stay focused on your goals. Success is about persistence and believing in your potential; even when the odds seem stacked against you, keep pushing. Once you get through, remember to make room for others to come after you.


As you move into this new chapter of life, what dreams or goals do you still hope to achieve?

I want to continue building platforms that empower women and children and support sustainable development. I’m passionate about leaving a legacy of impact, especially in areas like gender diversity and inclusion and education There are still many goals to achieve within my career and in philanthropy, and I’m excited for this next phase of growth and giving back.

Dupe Olusola

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A lawyer by training, Onah packs over a decade of experience in both editorial and managerial capacities.
Nwachukwu began her career at THISDAY Style before her appointment as Editor of HELLO! NIGERIA, the sole African franchise of the international magazine, HELLO!
Thereafter, she served as Group Editor-in-Chief at TrueTales Publications, publishers of Complete Fashion, HINTS, HELLO! NIGERIA and Beauty Box.

Onah has interviewed among others, Forbes’ richest black woman in the world, Folorunso Alakija, seven-time grand slam tennis champion, Roger Federer, singer Miley Cyrus, Ex Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Godswill Akpabio while coordinating interviews with Nigerian football legend, Jayjay Okocha, and many more.

In the past, she organised a few publicity projects for the Italian Consulate, Lagos, Nigeria under one time Consul General, Stefano De Leo. Some other brands under her portfolio during her time as a Publicity Consultant include international brands in Nigeria such as Grey Goose, Martini, Escudo Rojo, Chivas, Martell Absolut Elix, and Absolut Vodka.

Onah currently works as the Editor of TheWill DOWNTOWN.

About Author / Onah Nwachukwu

A lawyer by training, Onah packs over a decade of experience in both editorial and managerial capacities. Nwachukwu began her career at THISDAY Style before her appointment as Editor of HELLO! NIGERIA, the sole African franchise of the international magazine, HELLO! Thereafter, she served as Group Editor-in-Chief at TrueTales Publications, publishers of Complete Fashion, HINTS, HELLO! NIGERIA and Beauty Box. Onah has interviewed among others, Forbes’ richest black woman in the world, Folorunso Alakija, seven-time grand slam tennis champion, Roger Federer, singer Miley Cyrus, Ex Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Godswill Akpabio while coordinating interviews with Nigerian football legend, Jayjay Okocha, and many more. In the past, she organised a few publicity projects for the Italian Consulate, Lagos, Nigeria under one time Consul General, Stefano De Leo. Some other brands under her portfolio during her time as a Publicity Consultant include international brands in Nigeria such as Grey Goose, Martini, Escudo Rojo, Chivas, Martell Absolut Elix, and Absolut Vodka. Onah currently works as the Editor of TheWill DOWNTOWN.

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