Big Book of Lies is a Nigerian drama series that follows the events of a bridal shower gone awry. The show explores themes of friendship, betrayal, and secrets and features a talented ensemble cast. The first season introduces us to Agnes, the queen of Nigerian blogs, who gathers with her friends for her bridal shower. However, unbeknownst to her, her best friend Latifah is having an affair with her groom-to-be, Somto. To make matters worse, a former friend and now enemy, Folake, who has rigged the apartment with cameras, also attends the event.

The drama and tension of the show build-up from the beginning as secrets are exposed, and relationships are strained. The show does an excellent job of keeping the audience engaged with its clever plot twists and turns. Despite its many subplots, the show manages to keep the audience’s attention and never loses its focus.

The show’s characters are well fleshed out, with each having their own unique personalities and quirks. Agnes, the main character, is a well-known blogger who has made a name for herself in the online space. She is confident and self-assured, but the revelations that come to light during her bridal shower shake her to her core. Latifah, on the other hand, is a supportive friend who has a secret affair with Somto, Agnes’s fiancé. Folake, the former friend-turned-enemy, is cunning and manipulative, always looking for ways to exploit situations to her advantage.

The show also explores themes of abuse and mental health. Agnes’s relationship with Somto is called into question when videos of their private moments are leaked to the public. Her friends try to convince her to cancel the wedding, but Agnes is adamant that it is just a kink. The show does a good job of depicting the complexities of such situations, portraying the different ways people react to abuse and how it can affect their mental health.
The show’s production is top-notch, with excellent camera work, lighting, and sound design. The setting of the bridal shower is well-executed, with the lighting creating a sense of intimacy and tension. The dialogue is sharp and witty, with the characters engaging in clever banter and back-and-forth.

However, the show is not without its flaws. The pacing can sometimes feel slow, with some scenes feeling overly long and drawn out. Additionally, some of the subplots feel underdeveloped and don’t add much to the overall narrative.

In conclusion, “Big Book of Lies” is a well-written and engaging drama series that explores complex themes of friendship, betrayal, abuse, and mental health. The show’s talented ensemble cast, sharp dialogue, and excellent production make for a thrilling viewing experience. Despite its flaws, the show is definitely worth watching, and I recommend it to anyone looking for an entertaining drama series.

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Boluwatife Adesina is a media writer and the helmer of the Downtown Review page. He’s probably in a cinema near you.