Sex, Intimacy, And Sexual Compatibility: Reasons Why They Matter To Long-Term Love

Most relationships do not have what it takes to go the distance. Many relationships don’t last because of a simple fact: you both aren’t sexually compatible.

It may not seem like it at the very beginning, during those periods when you are caught up in the throes of new relationship energy. All those chemicals flooding your brain make everything seem as if there is nothing that both of you can’t do because you are in love, that kind of love that nobody has ever experienced.

Eventually, once you are out of the honeymoon period, it rarely takes long for reality to set in. Then you are faced with discovering whether your relationship has any long-term potential. If it eventually turns out that you are not sexually compatible with them, then you’ve got a ticking time bomb waiting to blow your relationship apart.

One thing many people don’t know about sexual compatibility is that it can often be too late to fix things once it is not addressed in the beginning. To be on the safer side, you need to sit down with your partner and work out whether you both have what it takes to go the distance together.

What is Sexual Compatibility

Sexual compatibility refers to the way you and your partner balance each other’s sexual needs, how strong your communication is about sex, and most importantly, how satisfied you both feel when it comes to sex. Sexual compatibility is when you both feel seen, heard, held, and fulfilled in your sex life. If there is a little mismatch in your sexual compatibility due to some difference or life circumstances, one or both of you might feel a lack of connection and sexual pleasure or a feeling their needs aren’t being met.

The Importance of Sexual Compatibility

Sex and being sexually compatible are one of the most crucial things when it comes to maintaining a relationship. They are also the exact reasons why relationships end. So it’s not something that can be taken with levity.
In today’s world, anyone who vocally strays from the dominant cultural narrative surrounding sex in a relationship faces being judged by everyone, which is not supposed to be the case. A woman with a high libido is considered a slut, a man who wants more sex than his partner is considered inconsiderate at best and a monster at worst, and many other scenarios. Due to these reasons, many fear opening up about their sexual want to their partner, which is not supposed to be that way.
Sex is part of a relationship and cannot be excised when inconvenient. Feeling as though your needs or desires are being ignored or neglected in one area will eventually affect others. Lack of sexual satisfaction cannot be brushed under the rug. If left unaddressed, it will grow and fester, turning into dissatisfaction, bitterness, and resentment.
Couples need to sit down and talk with one another, especially in the early stage of their relationship, to determine whether or not they’re a match. The last thing anyone wants is to go into a relationship with the assumption that you are compatible only to find out that you both have radically different views on sex.

To know whether you are sexually compatible with your partner. Ask each other if you have matching sex drives, ask them about how they feel about monogamy and infidelity, discuss the kind of sex the both of you want, and so many other questions.

Things to try if You Are in A Sexually Incompatible Relationship

(1) Visit A Mental Health Professional

In case you don’t know, not all issues with sex are caused by physical limits. Some of the causes can be mental or emotional blocks. If this happens to be the case in your relationship, it is advised that you visit a mental health professional for help.

(2) Try Visiting a Sex Shop

Many couples are taking trips to sex shops to spice up their time in the bedroom, even though it was a taboo in the past. One of the benefits of visiting a sex shop is that it will help you find new ways to make sex exciting.

(3) Talk to One Another About Your Fantasies

Talking about fulfilling sexual desire, many people rarely have a conversation about what they genuinely consist of with their partner. Having this discussion with your partner before sex is very important as it will help determine your level of sexual compatibility. Please find out about each other’s dreams and wishes in bed, what fun things they like, what you expect, and what you want, among others. Just communicate with each other. It is crucial.

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Dorcas Akintoye is a versatile writer with a passion for beauty, fashion, relationships, and culinary delight. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, she adds a touch of elegance to every topic she explores. She is a writer at THEWILL DOWNTOWN.

About Author / Dorcas Akintoye

Dorcas Akintoye is a versatile writer with a passion for beauty, fashion, relationships, and culinary delight. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, she adds a touch of elegance to every topic she explores. She is a writer at THEWILL DOWNTOWN.

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