Predictable, yes. But in this case, predictability is welcome.
#Unshakable is a word that stands on its own — a force, a vibe, an attitude, a lifestyle, a state of mind. Yet, the most overlooked truth about this word is that it is not perfect. It never claimed to be.
Over the years, I’ve spoken, written, and podcasted extensively about #unshakable. And one realisation has grown clearer: people mistake it for perfection. Let me set the record straight — it’s far from it. Brace yourselves for an unexpected dose of honesty.
The Journey to #Unshakable
I have walked through the flames of a broken marriage. Let me tell you, leaving is not the easier option. It means grappling with loneliness, starting over, and becoming the star of someone else’s soap opera. Suddenly, the world morphs into a court of judges, jurors, and executioners, each armed with their unsolicited ‘I would have done it differently’ scripts. I think the one that grates on my brain the most is ‘…you should have stayed for the sake of the kids’ – this one is a separate article; one that the world is not fully ready for just yet.
Then there were the missteps — falling into vulnerability traps set by vultures, kissing frogs while seeking a fairy tale prince, and wrestling with self-esteem that felt weighed down by invisible ‘baggage.’
Do you know how many ‘you are not good enough; you are used goods’ battles I fought in front of a mirror and won? I said it, let’s go there.
But being #Unshakable means refusing to settle. Not for frogs. Not for subpar treatment.
Parenthood, The #Unshakable Way
Raising kids as a single parent? That’s a masterclass in resilience. Playing the dual roles of mum and dad, I’ve learned to navigate football matches with my signature red and black manicured nails and matching red lipstick. My son’s side-eye could mean, ‘Mother, seriously?’ or maybe he’s secretly impressed that I can chant Arsenal hooligan songs.
And let’s not forget the math of a single-income household. When numbers simply did not add up, I clung to faith and whispered prayers, promising my kids that their lives would embody the mantra: ‘Nothing broken, nothing incomplete.’
Being #unshakable isn’t about perfect parenting—it’s about turning beans on toast into a Michelin-star experience or convincing the kids it is. It’s about feeding five thousand with five fish and a loaf, and somehow making two plus two equal five. More often than not, those meals felt like Michelin-star moments; the impossible stretched to possible, and the miracles showed up in unexpected ways. Being #unshakable is the art of willing magic into the mundane, every…single… day.
The Unpolished Truth
Changing a lightbulb? Learning DIY? These were not skills I cared for, absolutely not, but I figured it out one way, if not another. Not because I’m ‘independent,’ but because I’m determined. I never sat in darkness nor was did shelves get stacked in the corner. Call it hope, call it ingenuity, or simply call it #unshakable.
And the bridges I’ve burned — some intentionally, some regrettably — are another testament to this mindset. While a few deserved every spark of their destruction, others left me second-guessing. Yet, acknowledgement and growth? That is #unshakable.
Risks And Rewards
My career path is a patchwork quilt of detours, re-routes, and sacrifices. I have been the biggest risk-taker I know because, in the end, I refuse to leave stones unturned. This is not about a flawless journey; it’s about an honest one.
The Heart of #Unshakable
‘King Sally’ is not a statement of gender or superiority — it is a title that encapsulates my journey. It’s about surviving depression and anxiety. It’s about life as a marathon, not a sprint. It’s about taking steps, even when your feet are blistered and the road ahead is shrouded in darkness.
It’s about hope.
So here I am, taking a bow. Not just for what I have endured but for creating a way of life that celebrates imperfection and resilience. This is not just about wearing the #unshakable merch — It is about embodying the mindset.
Together, let’s chant it. Live it. Become it.
#Unshakable is a state of mind. Take your state of mind with you everywhere you go. Be #unshakable. Be in truth with yourself. Love yourself.
‘See’ you next week.

IG Handle: @unshakable.is.a.state.of.mind