Stress-free Living: Techniques To Relieve Stress
Every day, we are charged with waking up, going about our daily lives, and doing what’s necessary to build a better life for ourselves. But then again, facing challenges leads to so much stress. As much as we don’t want stress and try to avoid it, stress comes along nonetheless: stress from stressful work conditions, stress from personal relationships, and stress from just being in an environment.
The question is, how do you deal with it? Everyone has their limits; some deal with it adequately, while some get so overwhelmed that it gets the better of them. So, we will highlight a few basic stress-relieving techniques to help you maintain a sane mental state and general well-being.
Identifying Triggers
In general, before any solution is provided, the problem has to be known and understood. The same can be applied to stress to find a relieving solution. The first step is to identify situations, events, or even people who seem to put you in an overwhelmed state of mind. Take time to observe your daily routines, things that get you spiked up, places that make you seem uncomfortable, and even topics that trigger you.
Practice Relaxation Techniques
These techniques include breathing exercises, listening to relaxing music, mindful meditation, or yoga. These practices can help you better manage your mood and even your response. In public places like a workplace, you could always use the restroom and take a moment to calm your nerves and get your mind settled before moving on to your next task. Having a calm mind and body helps reduce stress, allowing you to make logical decisions and continue your daily activities with a sound mind.
Self Care
This is one option that needs to be encouraged and utilised. Find time to engage in activities that bring you peace and a sense of serenity. Engage in whatever hobbies to calm your nerves after a long day. At times, talking to loved ones, getting enough sleep, or just exercising is also what you need to get all that stress out of your system.
Setting Boundaries
You don’t have to stretch yourself by participating in everything; not every activity needs your participation. Learn the habit of saying no to things that will only pile on unnecessary stress. Prioritise things that add to your value and goals. If it doesn’t make you relaxed, if it doesn’t add to you in any way, it’s best to let it go.
Seek Professional Help
Sometimes, stress levels exceed our tolerance levels, and we get so overwhelmed that it feels like we can’t do it ourselves. Times like this require you to meet a professional. Therapy, counselling, and medication go a long way in helping you maintain a stable mental situation.
No one starts a day hoping to end it with a lot of pressure and mental unrest, but it happens. Therefore, we need to learn how to navigate these challenges to improve our overall quality of life.

Johnson Chukwueke
Johnson Chukwueke is a content and creative writer with over 3 years of experience as a professional. A microbiology graduate from the Imo State University, Johnson is a music enthusiast who also enjoys movies, reading, and swimming. He is a writer at THEWILL DOWNTOWN.