Self Fitness: Now, is a Good Time to Start!

Exercise is one of the best things that you can do for your health and well-being. No one can deny the abundance of benefits that physical activity has, such as healthy body weight, reducing the risk of diseases, boosting mood and energy levels, etc. However, most of us find it challenging to establish a routine and then stick to it. Well, for the most part, all it requires is willpower and determination.

When it comes to fitness for beginners, here is how you can make it a regular part of your lifestyle.

Set goals

Setting goals should be one of the initial steps you need to take after embarking upon the fitness journey. For example, you can target a goal to finish a 3-kilometer run. Now, you can start with smaller runs to get to the ultimate one. Simultaneously, make sure that the goal you get is realistic and achievable. Setting a goal to lose 10 kg within a week is something impossible and will only demotivate you.

Make it a routine

A critical factor in achieving success in fitness for beginners is to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. To see quicker results and to sustain them in the long run, it is imperative for you to exercise regularly. When you decide to exercise, set up a time to work out in a day; for example, you can decide to work out first thing in the morning and then stick to it in all conditions. It is generally suggested to work out 150 minutes a week, but you can start slow since you’re a beginner.


As a beginner, it is crucial to remember hydration is the key to triumph. You need to keep replenishing your fluids for optimal performance. Especially if you’re training in hot temperatures, you must keep a water bottle throughout your workout. Ensure to hydrate yourself after exercising to help your body recover.

Balanced diet

One just can’t stress enough that if you’re working out, you should make sure that you consume the healthiest of diets to sustain your energy levels. Eating the right food, especially carbs, will help in the building up of your muscles. Consuming protein will assist with muscle recovery, building muscle mass, and repairing tissue damage. Keeping healthy fats as a part of your diet can be really helpful in fueling your muscles, burning body fat, and keeping your energy uplifted.


It is incredibly significant to warm up before working out. Keeping your body warm will help prevent injuries, reduce soreness, and improve flexibility. You can do some easy movements like lunges, leg kicks, or a short walk for that. It will drastically improve your athletic performance.

Tips to stay motivated

While you need the determination to begin with, you need motivation throughout your regime to keep it going. When it comes to fitness for beginners, visualizing your motivation helps so for example a particular body type you admire, a dress you want to fit in on prom, or just staying healthy. To keep your motivation alive, you need to make sure your workout is fun.

You can mix a couple of physical activities to keep things exciting. You can join a yoga class, or start pilates, participate in a virtual fitness class, or hire a personal trainer. These are all options that can keep you motivated, especially because they hold you to a certain level of accountability. Having someone to keep a record of your progress and navigate you correctly towards success plays a huge part in keeping your interest sustained. However, make sure whatever form of physical activity you choose blends in with your lifestyle. Working out just for the sake of it and not enjoying it will not help with goal attainment but instead you may feel your motivation taking a nosedive.

Working out is essential for the body as well as for the mind, but it’s essential to bear in mind that results take time. Nothing happens overnight; you need to put in the effort and some sweat in order to accomplish what you desire. Make sure to eat healthy, hydrate adequately, and keep tracking your progress. Keeping it all within the check will lead you to be the winner.

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About Author / Ihuoma Nwigwe

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