Road to Reconnection: Building Emotional Bonds

When it comes to human relationships, emotional connections serve as the thread that holds us together. No human goes about life without feeling emotion; it could be anger or love; whatever it is, humans cannot get rid of their feelings; it’s what makes us humans. Humans are regarded as social animals, and the need to be involved in a community is an in-built urge that cannot be suppressed. As social creatures, we could want to create emotional connections with new people or even stronger emotional connections with the people already in our lives, but not everyone knows how to do so. Be it in a professional or personal aspect, relationships are inevitable. So, here’s a guide on how to go about creating emotional connections.




One thing to always remember if you want to make authentic emotional connections is to be genuine. No good relationship should begin with a facade. How you present yourself and your interactions should be who you really are, and as long as it’s appealing, you will find kindred spirits who will accept your energy. Embrace sincerity and share your genuine thoughts, feelings, and even experiences.




Connecting with people also means considering what they feel, especially in their downtime. Empathy is simply the ability to share and understand the feelings of another, and truth be told, no one wants to be involved with someone who is insensitive and can’t “read the room.” Being empathic lets them know they can be vulnerable around you, and you wouldn’t pull them down more than they already feel.




Trust is the foundation of every relationship, be it professional, friendship, intimate, or family. The people you care about and who care for you need to know you will always have their back. It doesn’t matter if you are blood relatives, as long as the trust isn’t there. Being related by blood is just a formality and means nothing if you can’t be reliable.



Active Listening

As simple as it may seem, paying attention and actively listening to people you care about will mean a lot to them. Genuinely listening to them is an act of love and respect. Sometimes, all people need is someone to pour out their hearts to and having you there at such a time makes them even more open to you in other situations.


Expressing Gratitude

Making someone else feel good after they have helped you is an easy way to make them feel good about themselves. Always appreciate a good thing done for you by them; such an act prompts more good deeds because they want to feel appreciated constantly.



There’s a saying that goes: “No man is an island.” Being a species that is naturally social, we have an urge for genuine connection with people who can relate with us, and when you find these people, make sure to never ruin such connection you have built.


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About Author / Johnson Chukwueke

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