Create That Vision Board Now
I’ve been feeling quite unmotivated recently. Writer’s block has also become a recent acquaintance, so I was lost when we had our weekly team meeting about what I’d write this week. Yes, I haven’t been feeling well, and that added to the fall in my morale, but even now, I’m still confused.
After what I wrote last week, I started thinking about the importance of vision boards in helping you see yourself as the person you want to become and how a vision board can be a helpful physical reminder of this. I started creating vision boards at the beginning of 2022 and now, it’s something I do every year and sometimes within the year, I don’t always wait for January 1st and you shouldn’t either.
The really cool thing is that I’ve been able to achieve up to 70% of the things on my vision board by the grace of God. In 2023, I wanted to move into my own home and start painting seriously, and I did. I also wanted to go on a girl’s trip holiday with my best friends, start therapy, and do more with YouTube this year. The group chat for the girl’s trip has been activated; I hope the trip makes it out of the chat and into reality. Wish us luck! In January this year, I shot a YouTube series for a brand I’ve been working closely with and though it was my first time hosting a show, I enjoyed every bit of it. And finally, I’ve also started therapy, and I’m very happy with my experience so far. I can be very introspective, and I love themes of self-awareness, self-exploration, and self-actualization, so it’s been great, and I’m glad I started it.
One thing that was on my bucket list was to record a song and I did that towards the end of last year as well! I’m not trying to become a singer so don’t call my line if you’re looking for one but it’s just something fun I’ve always wanted to do before I die.
Back to the matter, visualizing your future self with the help of a vision board. Create one!
Some people like to do it the usual way. Get a few old magazines, some scissors, glue, and cardboard paper. Flip through the magazines, cut out images and text that you’d like on your vision board, and things that you’d like to see or experience in your future. Stick them on the cardboard using the glue, and you’re done. Easy example, If you’d like to buy a car, find a photo of a car (the exact car you’d like would be even better), cut it out of the magazine, and stick it on your cardboard. Super easy.
However, I like to go the digital route and create a collage of photos of things I’d like to see in my future and use it as my wallpaper on my phone. It’s very simple to do. I get images from Pinterest, and then I use Canva to put the photos together, but if you don’t have that, you can use your Instagram stories and save it as an image, and you’re done!
SGD Spotlight
Here’s a mini version of mine you could use as a guide.
Here’s another very simple example

Eki Ogunbor has a Vogue Fashion Certificate from Conde Nast College of Fashion & Design and also attended Central Saint Martins, London College of Fashion and the University of Kent. Eki headed the Design Operations at a top Nigerian womenswear fashion brand before developing her own brand, KISARA. She is the Editor-At-Large at THEWILL DOWNTOWN.