Many people get motion sickness when travelling by car, bus, boat, or airplane. A trip that should be enjoyable becomes unpleasant due to that unsettling feeling of nausea, dizziness, or even vomiting. If you’ve ever experienced that uneasy feeling when travelling, you’re not alone. Fortunately, there are easy techniques to lessen or avoid motion sickness to enjoy your travels without being queasy. Here, we’ll provide six effective methods to overcome motion sickness.


During your trip, where you sit might have a significant impact. The ideal places are said to be in the middle of a boat, next to an airplane’s wings, or the front seat of a car. You’re less likely to feel the impacts of motion in these locations because they don’t move as much. Having a clear perspective of the road when sitting in the front seat of an automobile, for instance, can assist your brain process movement and lessen the discrepancy between what you see and what you feel. Being in the middle or on the upper deck of a boat allows you to have a constant view of the horizon and access to fresh air, both of which calm your senses.


If you have motion sickness at any moment, consider fixing your gaze on something stationary, such as the horizon. Providing your eyes with a stable focus helps your brain and body synchronise and lessens the disorientation that results in motion sickness. Keeping your eyes fixed on something outside—ideally a far-off point—can help reduce nausea when you’re on a boat, train, or vehicle.


Motion sickness may worsen if you force your eyes to focus on anything immovable while your body is experiencing movement, like reading a book or using your phone. Your brain receives contradictory signals from this, exacerbating the discomfort. Instead, glance outside, talk lightly, and keep your head up. If you must use your phone, try taking frequent breaks and focusing on the horizon during those times.


Sometimes, all you need to do is unwind. Deep breathing can help reduce motion sickness by lowering your stress level. Breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose and out through your mouth. You’ll feel less queasy and more in charge after doing this. If you’re in a car, open the window; many people find that getting some fresh air helps as well.


Your mood may change depending on what you consume before your trip. Heavy, oily, or spicy foods can exacerbate motion sickness because they are more difficult to digest and produce discomfort in the stomach. Instead, choose light food that is easy on the stomach, such as fruits, veggies, or snacks. Avoiding nausea can also be achieved by eating smaller, more frequent meals before travel. Prevent dehydration and motion sickness by abstaining from alcohol and caffeine before, during, and after your trip.


The calming effects of natural remedies such as peppermint and ginger on the stomach are well-known. Before your trip, consider consuming ginger tea, chewing ginger candies, or taking supplements. You can also reduce nausea and soothe your stomach by consuming peppermint tea or gum.


These simple remedies have been used for generations to treat nausea, which makes them an excellent drug-free way to treat motion sickness. Remember these tips the next time you plan a trip to ensure a more relaxing and pleasurable experience!


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Dorcas Akintoye is a versatile writer with a passion for beauty, fashion, relationships, and culinary delight. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, she adds a touch of elegance to every topic she explores. She is a writer at THEWILL DOWNTOWN.