6 Common Fashion Mistakes Men Make And How to Avoid Them

Creativity is essential since men’s fashion gives fewer options than women’s. You can express your individuality and mix many fashion trends by experimenting with your look. Being oneself is always a good idea when it comes to fashion, but some simple rules need to be followed. For a man, even seemingly insignificant elements, like choosing the wrong tie, can make or ruin a whole look. If you want to seem put together and attractive, you have to be aware of the small mistakes that men still make. The most typical fashion faux pas made by men that you should steer clear of to enhance your look and elevate your style are listed below.


Excessively baggy clothing will give the impression that you are wearing sloppy hand-me-downs. Become best friends with your tailor if you have trouble finding off-the-rack clothing that fits your body shape.


Never fold your jeans or chinos unless you’re deliberately making a fashion statement. You can let your jeans fall to the bottom of your shoes, but make sure they stop just above the floor to prevent unintended fraying. Furthermore, the pants’ legs need to be slightly bent or creased. Avoid being the person whose feet are submerged in a ton of excess cloth. To have them hemmed, all it takes is a quick trip to the tailor.


If you’re dressing professionally or for a formal event, match the colour of your socks with your pants rather than your shoes. Go for navy socks if your shoes are black and you’re wearing a navy suit. If you’re wearing a light suit, ensure your socks match the suit’s colour but are somewhat lighter than your shoes. Of course, if you intentionally break this guideline for the benefit of your style, then you can.


When wearing dress shoes for formal occasions, make sure your belt complements the colour of your shoes and has the same finish. Wear a thicker casual belt rather than a thin dress belt to match your casual shoes or sneakers.


To maintain a cohesive style, keep each outfit to no more than three hues or tones. If in doubt, look up a colour wheel online and use it to guide your selection of hues. Complementary colours are those that are opposite one another on the colour wheel. Analogous colours are hues that are adjacent to one another. When assembling an ensemble, adhere to complementary and comparable hues, and keep in mind that less is more.


All a man needs in terms of jewellery are interchangeable watches and, if he’s married, a wedding band. Consider wearing a necklace if you’re young and like them, but avoid wearing multiple necklaces, bracelets, and rings at the same time unless you’re a rock star. Try to keep the amount of jewellery you wear to no more than three pieces.


One way to convey who you are to others and the outside world is through your distinctive style. These styles and fashion faux pas seriously harm your look without you even realising it. Which ones are you guilty of? Strive to avoid them and develop your style.

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Dorcas Akintoye is a versatile writer with a passion for beauty, fashion, relationships, and culinary delight. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, she adds a touch of elegance to every topic she explores. She is a writer at THEWILL DOWNTOWN.

About Author / Dorcas Akintoye

Dorcas Akintoye is a versatile writer with a passion for beauty, fashion, relationships, and culinary delight. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, she adds a touch of elegance to every topic she explores. She is a writer at THEWILL DOWNTOWN.

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