With their new animated series Hit-Monkey, Marvel (Studios? Television? It’s all down to Kevin Feige anyway) has succeeded in at least one key area. The monkey isn’t annoying. And this achievement should not be overlooked, as the titular macaque’s ‘dialogue’ could easily have become insufferably grating.


And that’s not the only thing this bizarre show gets right: the script is witty and concise, action sequences are artistic and not an assault on the senses as in some comic book films that shall remain nameless, and characters are interesting and likeable if one can like callous hitmen and psychopathic primates.


In telling the story of a banished snow monkey seeking revenge on the men who murdered his tribe, assisted by the ghost of a dead assassin, and who then styles himself as a killer of killers, Marvel has proved once again how the lesser-known characters in its vast catalogue can be some of the best. Following Iron Man and Guardians of the Galaxy, Hit-Monkey is the origin story you never knew you wanted.

With this being a Marvel show, however, there are elements that may prove to alienate casual viewers or those weary of that well-used DNA. As can happen, some characters are barely introduced, with only the more ardent fan satisfied by the box tick or Easter egg. And the occasional moment of poignancy and emotion risks dilution by the constant wisecracking.


These are minor foibles, and if you’re not getting on board the Marvel train by now, a sharply dressed monkey with a gun is unlikely to convert you. For most, Hit-Monkey will be a dose of furry fun.


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Boluwatife Adesina is a media writer and the helmer of the Downtown Review page. He’s probably in a cinema near you.