King S boarded her flight from Houston to London, her heart still warm from a week spent with friendships that felt like family.


Her podcast recorder carried echoes of laughter from her lifelong girlfriends. During a spa evening at the Post Oak Hotel, King S noted, ‘You are all like extended siblings.’


The realisation deepened on the plane: these women didn’t just know her — they celebrated her quirks, making her feel truly at home.


King S’s quirk was a fascination with keepsakes — cup coasters, hotel keys, fridge magnets—pieces of moments she loved to preserve. Her friends teased her but often slipped extras into her bag.

She was drawn to others with quirks, such as Maria’s love for eccentric scents, Layla’s thermos of chai, and WaWa’s matching outfits. Together, their quirks created a vibrant mosaic.

‘Quirks are like fingerprints,’ King S thought to herself as the plane began its descent. ‘They’re the little things that make us uniquely ourselves.’ She smiled, recalling a quote she had recently come across: ‘The things that make me different are the things that make me, me.’ A.A. Milne had captured it perfectly in Winnie the Pooh. And King S couldn’t agree more.


Quirks were #Unshakable truths, threads weaving individuality into relationships. Their collective oddities formed a space for unapologetic authenticity.


As her plane touched down, King S reflected on her love for quirky people—their unique energy made life brighter.

It was one thing for her childhood friends to really know her, but another angle was the fact that she chose her everyday circle of friends according to quirks that aligned with her spirit. On this basis, King S resolved to carry the lessons of the week forward. She would continue to surround herself with people who not only accepted her quirks but celebrated them. These were the people who gave her the courage to embrace her own individuality — to be unshakable in her authenticity. And she, in turn, would cherish their quirks, recognising them as the very essence of what made each person irreplaceable.

Back home, King S added her latest fridge magnet to her collection—a tiny token of joy, laughter, and connection.

Before heading to bed, she opened her journal and jotted down a final thought for the day:

“Be #unshakable and stay quirky. The world is brighter because of it.”

And with that, she closed her journal, ready to embrace whatever peculiar, wonderful moments life had in store for her next.

Tell me about your quirks.


‘See’ you next week.

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