Excessive Screen Time For Children: Understanding Risks And Finding Balance

In our ever-changing world, the social and technological norms of this generation are greatly different from those of the previous generation, and this has caused a great deal of change in the way we work, behave, and raise children.

Children grow up surrounded by screens, from smartphones and tablets to computers and televisions, which are their way of entertainment, learning, and even socialising. While technology has many benefits, excessive screen time significantly affects children’s health and general well-being. Here, we highlight some of these effects and how to find a balance for children’s screen time.



Physical Effects

When kids spend so much time on their screens, it limits their chances to indulge in physical activities and exercises. Not getting enough steps in and being stagnant for so long leads to issues such as obesity and poor posture. Discomfort in the eyes, like, dryness, irritation, and even developing myopia(nearsightedness), are some other issues children risk facing due to extended times in front of a screen.



Mental Effects

Some might not be aware of this, but some studies show too much time spent in front of a screen has been linked to mental issues in children. Anxiety is one common issue that is known, but many aren’t aware that it goes beyond just anxiety. From decreased attention span to difficulty concentrating and challenges with controlling impulses are some more mental effects that high screen time has on a child.



Emotional Development

Children assimilate what they see a lot faster. When they spend too much time in front of screens and consume actions they aren’t meant to, especially violent content, it affects their emotions and how they think they should feel. Such content can lead to more fear and aggression in children, and they start acting out what they have consumed to people around them.



Social Development

Face-to-face conversations and creating meaningful social connections with people could be a problem when children spend so much unnecessary time in front of their screens. In the case of a child becoming violent as a result of what is consumed, this behaviour leads others around them to avoid interactions because no one wants to be around someone who poses a danger to them or their kids.



Creating Balance

Kids should have time for their screens, but a balance must be created. Start by setting a screen time limit and creating certain areas in the house, like the dining room or bedroom, where they aren’t allowed to have screens. Ensure they engage with educational content and lead by example by showing healthy screen habits. Also, do well to get them engaged in a physical hobby.



Undoubtedly, technology plays an important role in children’s lives, and it has helped immensely, but too much of everything is bad. Understand the risks your child stands to face and apply ways to create a balance for them.


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About Author / Johnson Chukwueke

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