It’s my birthday tomorrow! I’m usually super excited for birthdays, but this one feels different. I can’t particularly say why, but it truly just feels different. It might be a combination of things. The fear of getting older and things changing around me, including my body and my relationships with those around me. There are also certain things I’d have liked to happen by this point in my life that have either failed or not happened at all, and that’s also something I’ve had to accept. However, at every point, I will always be grateful.

So this year, I am grateful to God almighty for His blessings, grace, and mercy. For giving me a new chance every day to wake up and experience life again because many people don’t have that opportunity anymore. I’m also grateful for my family, and my friends turned family. I’m grateful for people who have been kind to me, who enjoy my work, and who appreciate what I create. I’m especially grateful for those whom I’ve never met but silently cheer me on and support me in the little ways they can. Thank you.
This year, I’m also very grateful to God for the opportunities that have come my way career-wise and a special friend I met as well; we’ll call him Mr Wise. This past year, I got two new jobs, and I’m confident that I’m on my way to the financial stability I’ve always prayed for, and to be very honest, there’s no better feeling. It hasn’t been easy juggling everything I have to do, but I’m going to take this week to reflect and reorganise my priorities.
Do you have any birthday traditions? 
Usually, I’d buy myself cake and balloons, but things might be different this year. But one thing that will remain, are the photos. For the past three consecutive years, I’ve done a birthday shoot with different photographers each time. It’s become sort of a tradition at this point, and I love it for me. I’ve also noticed I do a black look every year, and I can’t wait to see how the photos for this year turn out. My love of photos, fashion, and personal style got me into blogging & content creation in the first place, so it makes sense that I’d celebrate myself every year with photos. I’ve also decided that I’m no longer going to wait till it’s my birthday to do photoshoots; a year is way too long. If they make me happy, then I’m going to do more. Na things way go make me happy I wan de do now. Lol
If there’s one thing I’ve learnt over the years, it’s that life is in stages and I’m here for every blessing and every lesson that God has prepared for me. The overthinker in me is still learning not to stress over the things I cannot change or control, but I’m making progress so I just need to keep going. And so should you!

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Happy birthday, Eki.
May God continue to give you all you need to be the best version of yourself every day.
May you find good, sweet love. May you experience peace beyond human understanding and may God continue to preserve your sweetness in a world that can be bitter. Amen!
Cheers to More Money And Less Problems. (That’s my absolute favourite toast, but you can steal it and quote me lol).

Ms. Eki Ogunbor has been appointed Lifestyle Editor at Large of THEWILL DOWNTOWN.
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Eki Ogunbor has a Vogue Fashion Certificate from Conde Nast College of Fashion & Design and also attended Central Saint Martins, London College of Fashion and the University of Kent. Eki headed the Design Operations at a top Nigerian womenswear fashion brand before developing her own brand, KISARA. She is the Editor-At-Large at THEWILL DOWNTOWN.