7 Signs You’re Dating a Man-Child (and How to Break Free)
We’ve all been there, the guy who seems charming at first, but the longer you date, the more you feel like you adopted a son rather than found a boyfriend. If the phrase “emotional labor” makes you want to scream into a pillow, you might be dating a classic man-child.
What is a Man-Child? Think of him as an adult stuck in the body of a teenager. He thrives on instant gratification, avoids responsibility like the plague, and couldn’t commit to a long-term goal if his life depended on it. Sound familiar?
Here are the top warning signs to look out for:
1. “What’s a plan?”
He’s the master of procrastination, and even the most basic adulting tasks (like paying bills or booking his own dentist appointment) seem to baffle him. Bonus points if his only life plan is to win the lottery or become a viral influencer.
2. Commitment? He’s allergic.
Talking about moving in together or, God forbid, marriage, makes him break out in hives. His apartment might as well have a revolving door, because he acts like any serious step forward will literally trap him.
3. Chore wars, anyone?
You’re constantly cleaning up his messes – both literal and metaphorical. Newsflash, ladies: a grown man can load the dishwasher without a gold star and a juice box.
4. Excuses Galore!
Did he leave you stranded because his car “mysteriously” ran out of gas? Forget to do his half of the chores again? Get ready for an Oscar-worthy performance of elaborate excuses, conveniently putting the blame on anyone but himself.
5. “Accountability? Never heard of her.”
Bringing up something he did wrong initiates a defensive meltdown faster than you can say “emotional maturity”. Maybe he ghosts you, or starts an argument about how you always bring up the past. Either way, his feelings are the only ones that matter.
6. Standards for thee, but not for me
He expects gourmet meals while surviving on takeout, and nags you about keeping a pristine apartment while his laundry explodes from the closet. It’s his world, and you’re just the unpaid cleaning lady and therapist living in it.
7. Mommy dearest
Does he run to his mother for every little thing, including doing his laundry and mediating arguments with you? If so, maybe try dating someone who has cut the apron strings.
Dating a man-child is like playing house with a six-foot-tall toddler. It’s exhausting, frustrating, and ultimately, a waste of your time. If you recognize these signs, cut your losses and move on. You deserve a partner, not a project. Remember, a real man takes responsibility, pulls his weight in the relationship, and views you as an equal – not a substitute mother.

Ntianu Obiora is a versatile creative professional with over a decade of experience in publishing, marketing, communications, and digital strategy. She is the Online Editor at THEWILL DOWNTOWN